Friday, July 14, 2006

along came Steve...

Steve arrived tonite in the sunny state after a loooong day of travel (yeah layovers!) It's been fun so far having him here...he's going to get a crash course on the laid back lifestyle at the Bailey Hotel! Should be interesting! He's contemplating driving back with us - so a week in Cali will be GREAT prep for the road trip! The excitement continues...
Today we took a break from the pool so the kids wouldn't morph into lobsters and gave Mom Bailey a moments peace from the kids! Sarah and I jetted them off to a lunch at Playland McDonalds and the air conditioned comforts of a movie theater. The choice flick for the day was "The Wild" - a carbon copy of Madagascar except with Jack Baur (Keifer) as the lion Samson. Interesting...
It's been nice not to have jampacked days. Sarah's a master at scheduling fun things in but I am really enjoying the moments where I can stop and enjoy little things - like kisses from Sydney, or Arwen's crazy antics, or Maegan and Owen showing me their cool swimming tricks. These are the moments that are gifts for the day, that in a moment will be gone. Life was meant to be lived one moment at a time, and not fast tracked to future events. I think I've been slowly learning this...
I haven't been able to just sit down and read for a looong time, so I have thoroughly enjoyed the sacred moments of my journal, Bible and "Mere Christianity" (I'm catching up Sandra!) God is using this time to restore my weary soul, and I am grateful for the insights I've learned so far. Hopefully they'll stick when I get back to Ontario!


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