Sunday, July 16, 2006

Backyard in Black...

Check this out...this is what we found (and killed) in our backyard this afternoon.

...and for those of you who DON'T know what this 8-legged friend is - it's a Black Widow Spider! Yeah, just when you thought you were in a safe neighbourhood, they pull out the poison! Owen located her in the fountain this afternoon while we were hanging out in the pool. CRAZINESS! Dad Bailey was quick to extinguish the danger, and we could all romp and frolic in somewhat ease...but I think I'll be sleeping with one eye open from now on!
Today was pretty low-key. I went and experienced an Orthodox Christian church that James and Sarah are attending. FAR OUT! It was a very different experience and I got to chat a bit with James about all the stuff they inhaling massive amounts of incense, kissing saints and praying to Mary - not to be confused with Catholic church practices. It gave me a bit to munch on...
Tonite was family dinner. JJ and I got to cook and give Mom a break. Although it wasn't the vast crowd we usually had, it was still a heap of fun. Ryan James showed up late 'cause he was purchasing his new chick magnet - a Lexus something (all you motorheads are probably dying to know what make/model/engine etc...sorry, I'm going to leave you hanging with nothing more than it's pretty sexy for a car! Total chick reaction!)
We ended up hanging out over coffee and chatting thru some really random conversations...shocking, I know! I love how it feels like only yesterday I was here last...some things never change...


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